Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Behind-the-scenes of The Making-of-V1k1 interview

After the V1k1 secret screening. We got the chance to interview Director Tzang Merwyn and Producer Miss Janice and Editor Miss Tang and as well as the cast, Amanda, Del, Leanna and Lyon. Our interviewer, Zul got the chance to ask them how they feel about the movie, how the casting goes by and all sorts of things regarding their roles in V1k1. It was crazy fun!

As you can see, the film is ready and it's about to be shown to the world. So stay tuned for one of the most exciting film by cult director Tzang Merwyn Tong. V1k1 - A Techno Fairytale, to be out soon...So buckle up people and always remember folks, you heard it first from Austin Theng, your friendly V1k1 blogger.

Till then!

Later ya'll